Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Photo Post

Dear Parents,

Yesterday was Hundredth Day, the hundredth day of school. It was also the day reports went home for Jk students.

 And Library.

 And the day we switch weekly poems and books.

So given all that, it's probably understandable that so many library and poetry folders were missing from Zippies this week. Hopefully, if there are complications, like a lost book or folder, you'll connect with me so we can remedy the situation. Reading pattern books with the SK's is particularly helpful to me, in terms of keeping track of their reading progress.

But back to Math, which has been our focus leading up to Hundredth Day.

We've been practicing counting to ten, then counting by tens as well. Most students  in my classes do well when they're reciting a sequence, but get stuck when they have to think about what 20 +  10 = or even 9 +1.  We've been trying to think of all the different ways we can get to 10 (e.g.: 3+3+2+2= 4+4+2). Students have also been doing series of 10 exercises (10 jumping jacks, then 10 stretches, for example). It's a good way to keep focus while doing math.

It was lovely to see how parents are reinforcing these concepts at home. I saw lots of groups of 10, and some groups of 5 as well. Objects were arranged in grids, or rows to help visualize ten in a number of ways. Different kinds of objects were used as well: cut outs from magazines, shapes, coins, stickers, drawings of favourite things and lists are just some examples.

I've tried to include photos of every child below, but I clearly got better at this by the afternoon. (In the morning, I tried to take action shots which is a rookie mistake.) I'm keeping the vests for a little while and am going to put them up in our hallway as a display, along with some of these pictures. Thanks for helping us make 100th day work!

As part of our school tour, we visit the principal.