Friday, April 19, 2019

Field trip on Tuesday!

Dear Parents,

Just a quick reminder that we'll be leaving promptly at 9 on Tuesday for High Park Nature Centre. We have a lot of parent volunteers this round, and you are all welcome. :) I sent students home with post it note reminders for you.

In case you're late, this time we'll be making our way to the Grenadier Restaurant instead of the nature centre.

Enjoy your long weekend!
Ms. Goegan

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Taking care of the environment.

Dear Parents,

I've been struggling to post regularly, but I'm very happy with the work that we're doing together as a class.

In language, we've been working on writing our own fairy tales that we hope to turn into books.

In math, we focused in on word problems for a couple of weeks and have moved on to 3D shapes.

Display outside Rm 105
We've finished our science focus on Living Things, with a visit from the Great Lakes programme from the Toronto Zoo and we reflected on why it's important to protect water.
"So the animals could live, to drink, to water flowers"
"Because animals and plants will die, and people. So snail shells don't break"

"So animals can live in the world and so fish can breathe"

I also asked students to take their "Big Idea" questions from the beginning of the unit and do their best to answer them. Although I'm not marking them for their reports per se, I feel like these show students' curiosity and engagement in learning.


I'm currently introducing our last Science focus and have sent home a bird house project due May 16th.

In class, we reviewed google images of bird houses made out of recycled materials and the purpose of the proposed bird house. The following were some of their favourites.
Image result for recycled bird feeder
Image result for recycled bird feeder
Related image

Students are asked to complete their projects at home, with parents helping to cut and supervise construction. We hope to hang our finished bird houses in the side yard by the parenting centre.

I'm looking forward to our last trip to High Park Nature Centre on April 23rd. Thank you for your volunteerism and your prompt return of forms! :)


Ms. Goegan