Friday, February 21, 2014

Organic Language Play

Dear Parents,

This is around the time of the year when the magic really begins to happen, all the other Kinder teachers tell me, and I'm starting to see some really interesting things bubbling up, literacy wise.

The afternoon class has decided that the house centre should become a bakery, so while this may look messy, it's actually really interesting. These are the signs for the items they've decided to sell. You can see some pricing, which we've been talking about a lot in class: How much would you pay for a doughnut? A cup of coffee? Is there anything you would pay $100 for at a bakery? What's the difference between $1.00 and $100 dollars? These are good discussion points to bring up in your daily routine as well.

You can also see some of the experimental lettering from the JK students. They understand letters mean things, but some are still at a point where they don't quite get the correspondence between letters and sounds. 
 This student decided to create a movie poster for her favourite film.
You can see Rapunzel and the horse are well represented, but there's also a snail, who is there because we were discussing snails in general. 
One parent used the photo theme for the Show and Share in February as an opportunity to create a book with her child. We've used that book to create our own books for other favourite people.
Sometimes we learn by copying and then adding on. 
This student added illustrations

Using a familiar  phrase as a sentence starter can help spur writing

We've also had a fair bit of interest in turning the house centre into a restaurant from the morning class. Together, we voted for a restaurant name and brainstormed things to put on the menu. 
This student's menu folds out

Pop Up Restaurant has both chicken and noodles.
 There's also been a fair bit of discussion about hearts given Valentine's Day and today's Jump Rope for Heart event.

This student insisted on drawing both kinds of hearts in her journal. 
 Some students did worksheets showing what they learned through our extensive discussion about hearts:
It pumps blood

Your heart can get sick if you don't skip or exercise

Finally, just some housekeeping: if you still have daycare forms (JK parents only) or Jump Rope Envelopes you'd like to return, please send them in as soon as possible. Tuesday is our library day. Due to the book fair, students did not receive books this week, but things should return to normal on Tuesday.

Also, I will be away Monday afternoon only, so I will read with the afternoon SK's on Tuesday. Please ensure that the pattern books are in their zippies.

Thanks, as always,

Ms. Goegan