Monday, May 30, 2016

June Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Here's your June Newsletter.

While looking for ideas to inspire me about outdoor learning, I found this list which I quite liked as well:

In June, you'll notice that we stop reading the book from home together about mid-month and that library books are all due back. We'll continue to provide books and opportunities to read together in class during the whole month, but want to ensure that materials are ready to be used for next year.

Another heads up is that the FDK picnic on the 23rd functions as our year end family gathering. We hope you'll be able to come and more details on how you can help us pull this off as smoothly as possible will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks.

More urgently, the IRC Fun Fair is next weekend on June 4th. If you haven't been before, please consider making it a family destination for Saturday, or volunteering. This Funfair is one of the major fundraising events for the school, plus there's a lot of fun games and activities for everyone to enjoy. I'll be there for a bit too, so come and say hi!


Ms. Goegan