Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Look who's cooking!

First, your reminders:

1. Library is now on Wednesday, which is tomorrow.

2. Tomorrow is also the deadline for picture day monies.

3. This is Mr. Alegria's last week in our classroom. We'll be sad to see him go, but are grateful for the learning opportunities he's helped us take advantage of.

This past week's big adventure was baking apple crisp. Thank you to our parent volunteers!

Eating apple peels is a side benefit
There are two things in apple crisp: you've got the apple, then you've got the crisp.

Some people just want it to be cooked already.

But there's always side adventures:
Still sorting and counting bears

Still buying food at the store.

Still comparing the moose and the deer jaws.

This week we've extended our human body study into looking at the 5 senses:

Exploring the 5 senses, particularly touch.
Today we read a great book about finding letters in every day objects, inspiring us to look at the classroom in new ways.

Breaking out the old school technology: the listening centre has been a hit this week. Note also the stethescopes, to explore hearing.

 We've also been exploring the idea of a jack o'lantern and shapes:
Using actual pumpkins and pre-cut shapes

Using cut out pumpkin shapes and shapes. (The pumpkin counting also continues strong in the background)
Pumpkin faces using playdough