Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Tomorrow is library!
There was no apple crisp today despite best laid plans, but baking is on track for tomorrow morning with missing tools being sourced.

We got bones! There's a deer jaw, a moose jaw, a moose leg, and an indeterminate skull we'll have to do some inquiry about sitting on our science table.
A student overlays different systems on top of a human skeleton

Varying levels of detail on human skeletons

 We looked at the different kinds of teeth that animals have and thought about why some have sharp teeth and some have more wide, flat teeth.
Hello? Actually this student is measuring the moose jaw against his own.

We measured the bones against our own bodies and using the metre stick.

Making a wooden skeleton with the blocks
 Of course, some students are interested in other things as well. Here's the wooden skeleton from another angle. You can see there's also a ramp being built, a robot in the foreground and some geometric art off to the right.

 Here's the grocery store. One student makes change for another. Note the price signs, the open and closed sign, and the store name: Mongen Grocery (not sure where that name came from). Many students practiced their writing today making grocery lists.