Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Hour of Code: Minecraft edition

Dear Students, 

I'm going to use this post as a holding place for some hour of code links I think will be fun for us to work on as a class. 

Let's start by trying to make a virtual dance party: https://hourofcode.com/uk/learn

I also want to test out if you can download this Minecraft Education program on your computers: https://education.minecraft.net/get-started/download

Don't worry, if you can't we can still do some Minecraft coding: https://studio.code.org/s/hero/stage/1/puzzle/1

Some other areas of coding:

https://studio.code.org/s/oceans/stage/1/puzzle/1 (ai machine learning0

https://app.codemonkey.com/banana-tales/challenges/1 (python)

https://www.tynker.com/lesson/host (tynker)