Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Holidays!

Dear Parents,

Wishing you the best over the New Year break. This time of year always brings out nostalgic memories of crafts and baking, so we sewed ornaments out of felt this past week and decorated gingerbread cookies. I've also sent home thank you notes for all kind gifts I received. Just in case they don't make it out of the backpacks, thank you very much again.

I've mostly done sewing with younger grades before and it's astonishing how much more Grade 6's can accomplish independently, but also what a wide range of skills and experiences they come with. On a personal note, this was deeply satisfying because one student in particular who hasn't been excited by any of my grand schemes so far this year was really happy about his newfound sewing skills.

We made circles

This badly cropped photo also shows some of the paper crafts we've been working on. This student embroidered a name into their pillow. 

This one is a snowflake

Here's a star

Here's the collection from Friday morning. You can also see a gingerbread man or two in there. 
 We mixed icing sugar with lemon juice and students used that to attach their candies and help create their gingerbread personalities:

In the afternoon, we watched Polar Express and I made hot chocolate, by student request after the Holiday Sing A Long.

Again, hoping you have a wonderful break. See you in 2020!


Lisa Goegan