Monday, May 7, 2018

For the brids!

Dear Parents,

It's been a while since I posted here.

I'm handing out a bird feeder project today for our Science unit on Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures. It will be due June 4th, 2018 and students are expected to complete it at home. If support is needed, please let me know.

Here's a link showing what students in a previous class did with their bird feeders:

Here are some ideas we liked from our class google image search:
Image result for bird feeder recycled materialsRelated imageImage result for bird feeder recycledImage result for bird feeder recycled
Image result for bird feeder recycled materialsImage result for bird feeder recycled materialsImage result for bird feeder recycledImage result for bird feeder recycled materials

I also wanted to update you regarding two other things that are upcoming for the class:

  1. The afternoon of May 17th, we will have Scientists in the Schools come in to do activities related to our Materials unit in Science. We will need a great deal of newspapers for this afternoon and 4 parent volunteers (which I will confirm by email).   If you subscribe to a paper, please save it for us rather than recycling. 

  2.  We also have a year end trip to the AGO on June 19th. I’m hoping to receive all the monies and forms for this trip as soon as possible so I can finalize the paperwork.  Please let me know if extra forms are needed.

Thanks for all your emails and questions,
