Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Shoe Challenge--Quick Post

Dear Parents,

We've got Raz kids up and running. I've seen many of you logging on and practicing, which is great. I'm also really noticing that students are beginning to gather speed around reading. We've been working hard! If you need updated password information or missed anything coming home, please let me know and I'll update you.

In other classroom news, today we finished reading Ramona the Brave. In the climax of the novel, Ramona faces off with a very big dog, who she chases off by throwing her shoe. Ramona continues to school shoeless and needs to construct a new shoe out of paper towels. We decided to celebrate finishing the novel by having a bit of a design challenge and make a shoe ourselves. Not everyone is done, but here are some preliminary photos.

Design questions like this are a great way to jumpstart inquiry in the classroom. You can see how engaged students are in the process, how varied the results are, and I look forward to hearing about their thinking processes. 


Ms. Goegan