Thursday, November 3, 2016

Reminders, etc.

Dear Parents,

Here's a reminder post! Next Monday, we look forward to seeing students' presentations on their energy devices. (It's also Library Day--many students have library books outstanding).

Unfortunately, I was away today and I'll be away tomorrow afternoon as well. Please feel free to touch base tomorrow morning or to ping me with any questions you may have about the science project at my tdsb account (lisa.goegan at

In class, students have been working on a lot of visuals this week: a poster for energy conservation, a flag for Remembrance day, and a Picasso self portrait. This last one started out being somewhat Halloween themed, but changed with experimentation, much like Frankenstein himself. I'll have pictures of these for you soon.

Mr. Eloi is beginning our social studies unit about Roles and Responsibilities. We're encouraging students to think about their role in making positive changes in the world through energy conservation. In particular, we'll be looking at Native peoples' perspectives on this, perhaps highlighting recent struggles over water and gas pipelines.

We'll also be comparing our experiences to those of children who went to residential schools, or who live on reservations and might have less access to basic needs. I think that students in our classroom already have a pretty good sense of respect for nature and what fairness looks like, so it's up to us to help them frame those understandings in larger contexts. I'm excited about bringing some of these big ideas into the classroom.


Lisa Goegan