Friday, October 21, 2016

A quick Friday night post

Dear Parents,

I sat down to write a quick post and ended up writing a manifesto on reporting, which I'll have to tweak and post another time. For now, programming notes for next week:

--Tuesday afternoon, our Mad Science (like Scientists in Schools) is happening. We have Grade 1 students from Room 104 joining us. I have a couple of parents on deck for this, but would be happy to have more.

--Friday afternoon, our school's costume parade is happening. Students are encouraged to come in costume and stay for the parent council fundraiser party after school.

--Friday will also be the first official day for our new student teacher, Mr. Elio. Welcome to him! He'll be with us through most of November.

--Friday is also Pizza Day

--Because Friday is Pizza Day, we'll have a number of parent volunteers staying on. I'm hoping to use them to do a Halloween themed reader's passport afternoon, which I'm still fine-tuning the logistics of. I know Jackson D.'s mom and Oscar's dad will be there: please confirm if you would also like to spend the afternoon being read to.

--I've sent home trip forms for the Primary trip. Many thanks are due to Ms. Turna for doing the leg work on this one. We'll be going to see a Dr. Suess themed stage production. Forms and money are also due next Friday.

And I'll leave you with some photos of students making switches to turn lightbulb circuits on and off.


Ms. Goegan