Thursday, March 3, 2016

Inspired by Warhol

Dear Parents,

Every year, the school runs a fundraiser where students are able to purchase copies of their own artwork as cards, placemats, etc. Last year, we had great success doing Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flower portraits.

This year, I'm inspired by the idea of doing Andy Warhol themed work and today I introduced some of his work to students.
First, I showed them one of his portraits of Marilyn Monroe, and then another. We talked about why someone would paint lots of paintings of the same thing.

"Maybe he really likes it"

"Maybe he wants to give one to all his friends"
"Maybe he wanted to get it right"
"Maybe somebody saw one and wanted it too"

Then I showed them the soup cans and we talked about why someone would paint one painting with 32 of the same thing in it and whether it's possible to like soup cans that much. Nobody, I pointed out, had ever drawn me a picture of a soup can before, These were the responses:

"Well, now I'm going to"
"Maybe he's just weird"
"Maybe he wants to show all the flavours"
"Maybe it's a pattern"

For our Warhol themed work, each student will choose one thing and draw it 4 times, with different colour seclections. I've seen other classes do similar work using handprints or self portraits, but I thought it would be neat for each child to choose the thing they want to repeat. So, this is a great opportunity to discuss the idea at home and have students think about what they'd like to do.

Some students already have ideas:
A flower
A heart
A shoe
My dog
A planet
A dinosaur

Here's a couple of examples I've yoinked from the internet:

I hope you're as inspired as I am by this idea. 


Ms. Goegan

P.S. Our library walk is tomorrow. Look for your TPL applications in Mr. Zippy tomorrow night.
P.P.S. We just sent home information about our new school snack program today as well. Check Mr. Zippy and return asap!