Thursday, May 7, 2015

In the Moment

I've been reading folktales, myths, and legends to the students for the past while. They're not quite sure what to make of Anansi, the tricky spider, because he's often not very nice. We're on more solid footing with Greek Myths and I had a nice moment the other day when I looked up in the middle of the Story of Pandora's Box to see their rapt expressions.

They really wanted to know what was in the box! I asked the students to guess and their responses were all over the place: Someone thought unicorns, someone else thought snakes, maybe darkness? My favourite was the student who was just hungry and thought there might be snack in the box.

We have a lot of fun together and there's a lot of great little moments like this that don't always get the play they deserve. For instance, our music theme for Show and Share has been a source of great delight. Usually before we go outside to play, we sing a song, but this week, it's been dance parties.

Bjork's Oh So Quiet
It picks up tempo in the middle
There's also quieter moments where kids cuddle up and read together in combinations you'd expect and some you maybe wouldn't: 

One of the joys of working with this age group is exactly this ability to be in the moment. Sometimes, as we struggle to finish journals or finish an art project in a timely way, it's easy to lose track of this less visible priority. 

Speaking of schedules, we have some late breaking additions to our calendar: There's an Earth Ranger's presentation coming up that we're excited for. We'll be doing another Math afternoon (I'm calling them Math-stravaganzas) where students rotate between classes to learn about measuring time on May 12. Then, we get to see the older kids perform their concert dress rehearsal on the 21st. And we're looking forward to learning more about bees and beekeeping with Diane, Felix's mom, on the 22nd.  These last couple of months really race by. 

Tomorrow is Library!


Ms. Goegan