Thursday, August 30, 2012

September 1, 2012.

Welcome back to another school year!

It's been a busy and eventful summer for me, personally, and I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone else's summer when we return to class next week.

As most students are returning to the class this year, many of my expectations will be familiar, but I am hoping to build more chances for project based learning and more exploration of the opportunities for learning outside the classroom that Toronto offers us as well.

I'll be using this blog to post photos of our work, useful links and updates on events in the classroom. Please feel free to subscribe on the left in order to ensure you're automatically updated when new posts appear. Daily homework will be written in the agenda, which you're encouraged to check on a regular basis. If there are any notes in the agenda, I'll be sure to initial that I've read them and would appreciate if parents do the same. I try to check them daily to ensure students are marking in their homework and I will write up any overdue work myself to help you keep track of student progress.

In brief, a data key or usb stick would be a useful tool for students to have, as we will be using computers more in the classroom this year. More detailed information about the curriculum is below and, as always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact me via the school at 416-393-9025 or through email at


This year, I'm looking forward to doing more work with literature circles and hope to introduce students to some of the great YA novels I've been reading over the summer as well. I like having students read in groups because it gives them opportunities to share their ideas and learn collaboratively from each other.

We'll also be exploring some different modes of writing and media. Happily, we have access to some laptops for the class. I think these will be tremendously useful in building research and presentation skills and I'm hoping that we'll be able to use them to create video, powerpoint and other media in the classroom as well.


We'll begin the year by reviewing basic arithmetic skills and continue to use the Nelson math text books  to support our learning and make sure we're ready for EQAO in the spring. I'm proud of the progress the class made in this area last year and we'll continue in many of the same routines that proved successful for us, with math sheets going home for practice once or twice a week.

Science and Social Studies

Our first unit in Science is Diversity of Living Things and I'm looking forward to exploring all the different types of life that surround us. I'm hoping to get a Scientist in the School to support this strand as well. Other topics we'll be looking at include Electricity, Space and Flight.

For Social Studies, we'll begin the year looking at Contemporary Native Issues. Next term, we'll look at Canada's Trading Partners, where students will focus on a particular country's relationship with Canada and, in the last term, we'll look at European Explorers and First Contact.

Arts and Physical Education

Students will have Ms. Greenwood for Music as in past years, but Drama and Art will be integrated into our classroom learning. Dance will be covered by Ms. Fenton as part of her gym program.