I sent home our next project for you today, based on the Energy in Our Lives unit. I've asked for projects to be returned completed on December 11th. I know this is a short turn around, but I thought it might be more challenging to have it drag on through the Winter Break. However, if this season is busy for your family and you'd prefer to have your child present after the break, please let me know.
I make some suggestions on the project hand out, but here are some ideas that are inspiring me tonight:
2 from this site:




I'm also looking for parent volunteers on the afternoon of December 14th, when we'll have the Scientists in Schools presentation for our class. Please let me know if you're available and would like to support.
Our next week is very busy, with the upcoming field trip to High Park on Tuesday morning and a Japanese drumming performance on Thursday morning. I'm actually super excited about the drumming performance, as I saw this group perform at Harbourfront earlier in the year. Here's a link to the group's website: http://nagatashachu.com.
Ms. Goegan