
Grade 6 Language:

IXL grammar

Teen Book Cloud--access to graphic novels and longer texts appropriate for junior and YA students

Vooks--Picture books with lesson plans or Pause and Ponder prompts (accessible for parents, but most appropriate for primary)

Lit Role Resources

Many versions of literature circle roles are widely available. Roles are helpful in that they give students specific tasks to prepare them for a weekly discussion of their reading.

Starter Literature Circle Roles

Lit Circle Roles Take 2

Find group reflection and planning sheets and the Diction Detective, Bridge Builder, and Reporter roles.

 Reactionary Revealer role

Storyboard Summarizer Role

Room 305 Demands New Lit Roles (and here they are)--Includes all rubrics and roles for April's book circles and reflections, including Discussion Director, Guidance Counsellor, Storyboard Summarizer, *new* Political Pundit, *new* Devil's Advocate (aka Controversy Causer), and *new* Mood Manager. All roles and rubrics have been revamped somewhat, so be sure to give them a once over before beginning.

Lit Roles and Rubrics --All the Lit roles and Rubrics you need: Discussion Director, Psychic Predictor, Guidance Counselor, Literary Linguist and Storyboard Summarizer, Plus the outline for Literature Reflections.

Language Projects:
Starter List of Interesting People in Canadian History 
Biography Project Outline 

Read Write Think's Brochure Instructable

Grade 1 Word Work Resources

secret code spelling

spin and spell grapher

hangman instructions

Word Tic Tac Toe Spelling Activities:

spelling dice game

activity package ideas (scrabble, matching, word search, alphabetize, define, use in sentence, etc)

work work (5 ways, decorate, graph)