Dear Parents,
Here's something lovely and pure for your weekend. Students did some responses about what they could do that would be positive in their community as part of our social studies unit, where we looked at students shifting roles, responsibilties and identities at home in the family, at school, and in the community. Part of our media curriculum is learning to design and create posters, so that's what we decided to do. These posters will go up around the school.
I can smile to make people happy |
I can share with my friends |
I can wash my hands so they're not all germy. (Admittedly, a favourite) |
I can hold the door for people |
I can hold the door for other people |
Two, both versions of I can share with my friends |
I can say please and thank you |
Tuesday is our trip! Come on time and wear weather appropriate clothing. We will be outside in all weathers.
Ms. Goegan