Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Materials and Structures update

Dear Parents,

I've been waiting for an opportune moment to go through our Scientist in Schools photos for a grand post, and here we are, a week later.

Before getting to them, I wanted to remind you of the upcoming project deadline for our birdhouse project, due this Monday, . Ideally, students should have tested out their projects to see whether they were feeding squirrels and raccoons before their presentations.

I also sent home a number of summer school application forms for students last week. Here's a link to more information about these programs.  TDSB elementary summer program

I had a number of students attend last year who were happy to continue to have some structured learning during the summer months. If you are interested or need more information, please get in contact.

On to Scientists in Schools. Many thanks to Heather, Bri, Kerri, and Mira for pinchhitting at the last moment at the stations.

Students sorted different types of materials

They investigated different fasteners

Built hopefully stable structures as a team. 

Learned about how to make structures more stable by adding foundations

Built structures for different purposes

Played with tools, using different fasteners

Learned about what kinds of shapes are the most stable

It was a very busy afternoon with lots of great learning and engagement. For our conclusion, we began building chairs out of newspaper, but ran out of time. We still haven't completed them yet. In class, we've been focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of different materials to build, and we'll come back to these as an end of unit focus. 


Ms. Goegan