Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Art Exploration

Dear Parents,

I hope you're appreciating the Georgia O'Keeffe inspired paintings we sent home over the weekend. I think you get a better sense of the variety and sense of engagement when you can see them in context though, so I wanted to post a picture of all the paintings together.

This afternoon, Felix's mom came in to work with us on sculpture. She talked about using everyday objects to make interesting shapes and forms (a little 3-d math refresher for students) and I have to say that some of the connections students made to the sculpture were so interesting and fresh. Diane also brought in a wealth of supplies for students to play with and experiment with sculpture. At the end of the day, we discussed what they liked about their own work and those of others. For me, some of the most interesting responses were those about enjoying the process of making, more than even the final results.
We're looking at a sculpture made out of toothpicks

Exploring materials

The human scupture

Students review some of the final results

After the long weekend, our library day is now Friday (still Day 1). 

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend break. I heard all about easter egg hunts, visits to grandparents, and trips to the museum today. 


Ms. Goegan