Interest in maps and space exploration continues. Ms. Moniz has managed to hang the planets and we're getting good use out of our space ship. One of the interesting recent developments is a more narrative based play in the drama centre. Instead of saying, "I was the baby" or "I was the Doctor", students are now saying things like, "We were going to Jupiter but then an asteroid crashed into our ship and Julia had to rescue me."
The interest in maps has also continued. We try to keep it fresh by giving students new ways to think about maps and shapes. These students are creating a play dough version of the map of Canada.
At the science centre, you can see we've got a number of ways to visualize mapping for students to play with. Puzzles of Canada and European nations are next to two different globes.
Students are also mixing the two inquiries. In this wall display, you can see maps of the solar system that students have created, based on their play in the drama centre.
Another way to tie this all together is through art. This book called "The Starry Night" shows New York through the style of Vincent Van Gogh. You can see a student's journal showing Vincent Van Gogh painting The Starry Night, which I thought was an interesting perspective.
When looking at the painting The Starry Night itself, students liked:
--The colours
--The brightness of the moon and stars
--How the town was outlined in black to make it stand out
--The shapes and lines.
We brainstormed about how we might achieve some of the effects he does in our own work. Students came up with the idea of using the pastels and watercolours, like in their creation of the patterned mittens. You can see the sample I mocked up today after school for them, using oil pastels and watercolours.
Hopefully, I'll have lots of artwork to show you for next week. We've decided to make pancakes next Monday, so perhaps some pictures of that adventure as well.
For this week, note that library is tomorrow. On Friday, the school will host a performance of The Circus of the Animals in the afternoon. I should have copies of March's newsletter for you later on this evening as well and will post on the blog as well as sending them home.
Have a great week,
Ms. Goegan