Friday, December 6, 2013

Error on PM Christmas Concert

Dear Parents,

First of all, my apologies. On the class newsletter, I wrote down the incorrect time for the Afternoon concert. It is actually at 1:30 pm  on December 13th. The Morning concert is still on Thursday, December 12th at 9:30 am.

I've been busy learning all about different family traditions through our show and share theme this month. So far we've talked about Eid, seen Dreidels and Menorahs, looked at Elf on the Shelf, eaten some pomegranates, admired some ornaments, and read The Grinch and The Polar Express. I look forward to hearing about many more celebrations in the next two weeks.

We've also been busy learning about Goliath, our pet Newt. Apparently, newts are like small salamanders and their skin must always be moist. The salt from our skin can hurt them, so we can't pick him up. We've noticed that he likes to hide on the log and also talked a lot about why salamanders must be sneaky: with poor eyesight, no claws and slow swimming, they need to protect themselves from predators. Although they are nocturnal, some of our students still think Goliath might be scared of the dark as well. Goliath's skin is slippery to help him slip out of predator's hands and he can regrow a body part (like a leg, tail or even an eye) if he does get caught.

Here's Goliath, looking out at the classroom. Here you can see his orange underbelly.
Students are using my modelled writing to begin their own letters.
It's always interesting to see how students integrate the things you bring to the class. Many have been playing being teacher, but this above is new. We are continuing in many of the same centres, but thanks as well to Heather, we have new outfits for George and the other babies. Students have been keeping busy in the house centre, trying on all the new clothes. 

Have a great weekend!

Lisa Goegan