Dear Parents,
It's been tremendously busy these past few weeks, both in and out of the classroom. In good news, I've found my final volunteer for tomorrow's Scientist in Schools. Many thanks to Adriano's mum, Cameron's dad, Lauren's dad, and Lila's grandmum, for their help tomorrow afternoon!
Science projects have been a big hit between kids this week. On Tuesday, students did mini-presentations to each other and we've been doling out the more formal presentations in small chunks. I'll do my best to take some photos of projects before the end of the week, so you can get a sense of the range students have come up with. It's always a delight.
Speaking of photos, it's been a busy couple of weeks. Here's a random collection of bits and bobs from the last few weeks in the class:
Our Field trip to High Park Nature Centre, where we learned about the habits of squirrels |
The Taiko Drumming Performance |
Afterwards, we were excited to discover this big book in the library. |
Then I managed to take a whole series of photos, documenting our beginnings of Data Management, where students sorted buttons by a variety of criteria:
Holes vs. No holes |
Big vs. Little |
Light vs. Dark |
2 holes vs. 4 holes |
No holes vs. 2 holes vs. 4 holes |
Colour |
Pattern vs. No pattern |
Some are still finishing up our final piece from the patterning unit, but the evaluations should be coming home soon. Meanwhile, graphing and surveying are big hits in the classroom.
In the new year, we've got a Winter Concert to gather costumes for and two more trips to the High Park Nature Centre planned. Please look for a newsletter coming home soon to outline what student costumes might look like.
Ms. Goegan