Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Curriculum Links

Grade 6 is a big year for students. If you're interested in finding out more about the EQAO testing upcoming in May, try going to, where you'll find information about past tests and sample questions if you want to see how ready students are for success.

If you're interested in finding out more about curriculum in general, please go to, which is the Ontario Elementary Curriculum site. The links there connect to all strands of the curriculum.

And, if you have specific questions, I'm always ready to answer them.

Upcoming in the classroom:

1. This Friday is Terry Fox Day. We'll have a morning assembly and an afternoon walk. Students who wish to bring in a donation for the Terry Fox Foundation are encouraged to do so and everyone is encouraged to dress in Red and White for our first Spirit Day.

2. On Monday, October 1, we'll welcome a scientist in the school to our classroom for a Classy Critters presentation, where students will get hands on experience with a variety of organisms.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Scientist Powerpoint

There are many kinds of Biologists. Pick one below:

Marine biologists
Molecular Biologist
Evolutionary Biologist

Make a PowerPoint slide showing:

  1. What this kind of scientist studies
  2.  At least one picture relevant to your topic
  3. One major scientist in the field, with details about their work in your own words, a date of birth and death (if applicable) and a photo of them.
  4. Once you’ve done this research, make sure your slide is readable and visually pleasing.
***Add animations or special features only if you have time

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012

Dear Parents,

Just a brief note to let you know that Mr. Pashko has moved on to another classroom that is a more manageable commute for him. We wish him success in future placements and hope to have another student teacher placed with us in the coming weeks.


Lisa Goegan