Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Crunch

Dear Parents,

It's that time of year when everyone's hustling and bustling to get their shopping done, to get to all their holiday get togethers and everyone's down with the flu. I've been in and out of the class myself with a recurring bug since our return from Mono Cliffs, so we've been playing a bit of catch up this week, trying to get on track so that we can finish our patterning unit in math and our human body unit in science before we head off on two weeks of much needed vacation. So I do appreciate your understanding with the science homework that's been heading home the past couple of nights.

If you want to support student learning, you can check on the science page here, to check out the project outlines and a good starting kid-friendly website with animations and reliable information. We've also been watching clips from Bill Nye on Youtube to gather more background information on each system as a class. Students who are interested can certainly learn from watching the entire show (Usually there's a Part 1, 2, and 3) on their system, but some of the videos available can be a bit gruesome, so I would encourage monitoring this process to ensure students don't see more graphic information than they are ready to deal with.

I also need to let you know that we will be postponing our trip to the National Film Board since our planned date conflicted with other school events. Complications were also afoot with a brief attempt to rebook on the Friday. I will keep parents in the loop as to when this is rescheduled.


Lisa Goegan